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- }0a0000m8eb0n8de0ofcb0ld34
- {f Learn to play the Nirvana way
- {g ----------------------------------------{a
- {a Written entirely by {cScourger {aand {cNuffle {aof DESTINY
- {n This text is a small but comprehensive course for any would-be headbanger.
- It features answers to all the hows,whats, and whens in the world of heavy
- metal. Let's start with the basics:
- {f1.0 {a- The basics.
- {f1.1 {a- Genesis
- {n First, you'll have to gather together some people crazed enough to jump from
- a 5 metres high stage into a wild crowd of headbangers without anything
- resembling fear. {gExempli gratia:{n any member of DTY, Colombian judge or
- people who still think that Paragon is active. Examples of groups with IQ
- less than the average of the Satanic Rites editorial team: Napalm Death, The
- O-men, Kung-Fu girls, Masters of Møh, LSD, Spaceballs, Grapevine Editorial.
- {f1.2 {a- The image
- {f1.2.1 {a- Hairstyle and clothing
- {nGather all the members of your band and make them look like real musicians.
- We'll start from the top with the hair. It must at least reach the shoulders,
- but preferably to the middle of your back. The clothing must be as tasteless
- as you can imagine. Exampli gratia:Basket shoes, two different coloured
- socks, bermuda shorts, an awfully coloured t-shirt and a cap, hat or something
- else, on your head. Examples of groovy clothing and hairstyle: William A.
- Doyle (Guns'n Roses), Kurdt Kobain (Nirvana)
- {f1.2.2 {a- The Behaviour and Linguistics
- {nYou and your fellow band members will have to develop your behaviour and
- language a lot before you qualify for an MTV music award, so let's get
- started:
- {e1.{m You must {cALWAYS {mlook like you're high on something, preferably cocaine or
- heroine.
- 2. {mSwearing is recommended. Common expressions:fuck,fucking hell,fuckyou...
- Almost all word can be converted to swearing but remember to include
- the word {fFUCK {mor {fFUCKING{m. Without this you won't be interviewed by neither
- TV nor any music-magazine.
- {e 3. {mAlways antagonize the {nauthorities {mwhenever you're appearing in public.
- {e 4. {mDeny all scandal-rumours but do not deny you really are a sado-machosistic
- satanist with several manslaughter-convictions on your record.
- {e 5. {mMake sure the newspapers know all about your {lscandalous behaviour.
- {nIf you follow these simple rules for a heavy metal-musician you'll either get
- in jail or hit the billboard chart at number 1 or both. Examples of "good"
- behaviour and language: Axl W. Rose (Guns'n Roses), Ozzy Osbourne, Alice
- Cooper etc.
- {f1.3 {a- The Music and Concerts
- {f1.3.1 {n- Designate Roles
- Well, everybody in the band can't be the vocalist. Here is a tried and
- tested way to find out who is going to do what:
- First find out who can speak more than 3 words per second and shout at 132
- dB for 10 seconds without a break. This person is going to be the singer.
- Another prime requisite for the singer is a good physical condition. He must
- be able to whitstand the enormous physical pressure a vocalist in a heavy
- metal band has got (especially when it comes to stagediving, jumping into/on
- the drumkit.). The vocalist role can be combined with other roles like
- piano/keyboard-player or guitar-player. Examples of good singers are:James
- Hetfield (Metallica)
- The person with the strongest arms is going to be the drummer. If none of
- the band-members have got any strong arms you can rent a 80 kilo beef from the
- local music shop(pe). Easy enuff. Examples:Dyret (Life...but how to live
- it), Lars Ulrich (Metallica), The drummer in Muppet Show (he's raw!)
- Then, it's up to the person who knows anything about music(eh.. what's
- that?). Obviously, this person has extreme knowledge of heavy metal. He must
- have the ability to know the names of - 5 - bands within the metal genre, no
- more, no less. Apart from playing bass-guitar he is going to write the music
- for the songs (see "the Songs"-section). Examples: Duff McKagan (Guns'n
- Roses)
- The total mindless one of you humble metal-musicians will be honored with
- the role as a guitar-player. You better hire a studio-worker to mix the
- guitar-riffs at the studio. A prime requisite for the guitar-player is good
- strength in the legs and arms. After all, he's giong to jump up and down
- whole concerts, and not to forget... perform the special Nirvana-grip.
- Important note:The exemplary guitar-player must not reveal his face behind a
- impressive collection of hair. Examples: Annie One
- If there still are some dudes hanging around... let them be your
- equipment-crew. Errm... equipment-slaves.
- {f1.3.2 {n- The Songs
- These are collections of notes and words that makes no sense at all. The
- notes should be taken care of by the bass-player. If he's not clever enough
- then give him the boot... pronto!
- The lyrics are a bit trickier. Buy a lot of alcoholic beverages and a
- tape-recorder. Let the singer consume the beverages before a rehearsal.
- Then, when the rest of the band start to rehearse the songs written by the
- bass-player. Kick the singer in the stomach and let him vomit over the
- recorder. Nobody will hear the diffference when you're playing live anyway
- because the volume on the amplifiers are too high too hear anything at all.
- Remember to record the whole rehearsal so that you can convince the record-
- company-suits that YOU are the new Nirvana.
- {f1.3.3 {n- The record
- Take with you your tape and go to the nearest record company's offices Good
- companies are:Sony Music, Warner, Geffen, Polygram, Sonet, e.t.c.... Make
- sure that you get a contract with you when you leave. And, the annual income
- you'll get exceeds a couple of millions (just for that mega-star feeling)
- Then, shortly after this seance you'll be going to a studio where your new
- album is going to be mixed. Endavour by releasing it on a world-basis.
- {f1.3.4 {n- The gigs
- Now that you've achieved success you're ready for the real world of heavy
- metal: the concerts. Now we're approaching the part of heavy-rock that's
- hardest to do. But, thy shalt not cry, we've fixed it for you. With Satan's
- help you'll manage to entertain the largest crowds of headbangers at huge
- stadiums like Wembley.
- {fHow to hold a concert in front of 50.000 people
- {g-----------------------------------------------
- {fSolution 1
- {d----------
- {e1.{f Bring with you as much audio-equipment as 50 trailer-loads can carry.
- {e2. {fPut all your equipment on stage
- {e3. {fWhen all the fans have got into the concert area
- {e4. {fWait for three hours, then send the support-band on stage and tell
- tell them to "play" some "tunez"
- {e5. {fAfter the supportband have done their "best" you enter the stage
- and start to test your equipment. Say this phrase continuously while
- you test your mic.: "One, two, testing, testing"
- {e6. {fThen you're ready to fly......grab a couple of beerbottles and consume
- until you've reached the state of intoxication.
- {e7. {fThe vocalist starts to slag off the authorities and how much he hates
- everything...
- {e8. {fStart to "{gplay{f" -See special tricks section
- {e9. {fWhen you haven't got any more equipment left leave the stage by jumping
- into the wild ecstatic crowd of fans.
- {e10. {fEnd of the concert....
- {f
- Solution 2
- {d ----------
- {e1.{f Cancel the concert.
- {e2.{f Get police to drive you home in case of riots in the streets.
- {e3.{f At the press conference, choose one these excuses:
- {a 1.{g Sore throat.
- {a 2. {gHad an appointment with your phsycologist.
- {a 3. {gRecieved the latest issue of Satanic Rites.
- {a 4. {gDidn't care.
- {a 5. {gHad a date in Upper Volta.
- {a 6. {gHad another date in Undi Burundi.
- {a 7. {gAcute attack of xenophobia.
- {a 8. {gSuddenly a flying pink elephant passed by.
- {f1.3.5 {a- Special tricks when playing live.
- {f The Nirvana-grip
- {d ----------------
- {aThis trick is for guitar-players only. You lift the guitar above
- your head and slam it into the scenefloor. The guitar may go
- beyond repair but there's no riff that can make to fans get so
- wild as they are when you're taking the Nirvana-grip!
- {f New variants of the Nirvana-grip.
- {d ---------------------------------{a
- Take your instrument, toss it high up in the air, and, when it comes
- down due to Newtons laws of gravitics catch it on your -head-.
- {f Stage-diving
- {d ------------{a
- The new international sport at concerts everywhere.
- {e1.{f Lesson:{a Start with a not-so-high scene.
- Make sure that there are loads of spectators beneath
- you and make sure that they won't move away when you
- dive. Otherwise you may have to pay the hospital a visit.
- Dive into the crowd and hope desperately that you'll land
- on someone. If not, tough luck!
- {e2.{f Lesson:{a This version of stage-diving is more advanced but you're
- actually not diving but you're more like jumping into the
- drum-kit. Watch MTV Music Awards for inspiration.
- {e3. {fLesson:{c WARNING:{a This is not tested! Jump from the loudspeakers.
- This may cause a light headache. Swallow a couple of
- pain-relieving pills before you're about to perform to
- remove the pain. Jumping from a high altitude may also cause
- breakage of limbs. We all remember the concert Pearl Jam
- held in Oslo where a person managed to get his arm broken by
- the means of stage-diving.
- {e Microphone-thingy:
- {a The microphone-thingy is the construction of metal where the
- microphone is strapped. This can be used for various acts.
- Popular uses are: toss the thingy on the audience, slam it
- into the loudspeakers/amplifiers/anything or anyone on stage.
- {n This are just the basics of how to become a heavy-death-metal-speed-thrash
- rocker. Follow the instructions and you'll qualify for the billboard next week.
- If you have any problems don't forget to contact your international union at:
- {e Association of Satanic Rockers
- C/O Merkool McAber
- PO Box 13
- 7130 Brekstad
- Norway